
Nevill Golf Club

Bank Holiday - Mixed Competition - Texas Scramble Start Sheet

Monday 26th August 2024, Tees - White (Men), Red (Ladies), Nevill Golf Club Course

The contact for this competition is Colin J Parsons (07836 231833)

12:02Tom Dubec (15.2), Leilla Humphries (24.1), John Humphries (25.1) & Louise Dubec (36.0)
12:10Sean Sayers (9.0), Richard Codd (11.5), Pat Codd (17.8) & Beverley Boylan (21.9)
12:18Andrew Dobson (10.6), Jane Grogan (16.1), Steve Grogan (19.1) & Diana Dobson (19.7)
12:26Rob Hamer (10.7), Levitha Hughes (17.6), Jo Hamer (22.7) & Brian Hughes (24.4)
12:34Tom Hutchinson (13.2), Eunice Hutchinson (23.4), Gill Nyberg (27.4) & Doug Ware (29.6)
12:42James Lewis (20.0), Peter Morgan (22.8), Jenny Lewis (37.4) & Eleanor Morgan (41.9)
12:50Jean Parsons (11.8), Darren Mills (12.6), Dionne Mills (19.7) & Colin J Parsons (27.2)
12:58Lynne Pickering (9.5), Leon Buchner (22.1), Jane Buchner (22.8) & Graham Pickering (24.2)
13:06Darren Lillie (13.1), Mark Edwards (15.6), Jay Harvey (16.8) & Julie Edwards (19.3)
13:14Chris Bennett (17.6), David Reich (22.7), Susan Bennett (33.3) & Faith Reich (38.5)
13:22David Wakeling (4.8), Tim Taylor (8.5), Lisa Marden (26.1) & Paula Taylor (28.8)
13:30Nigel Wates (8.2), Junko Wates (10.9), Paul Robertson (19.6) & Sue Robertson (26.5)

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